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Homeschool Interior Design Consultations

As a homeschooling parent, you know that your children won’t remember everything you teach them, but they will remember how the homeschooling experience made them feel. You can have the finest homeschooling curricula in the world, but if the experience of your homeschool journey isn’t positive it won’t have a lasting impact.

One of the most powerful ways to design a compelling, attractive homeschool experience is through the homeschool environment—the places and spaces where we connect and learn with our children. 

Does your homeschool space welcome you and your children? Does it motivate you to teach and your children to learn?  Does it support your hope of really connecting with your children? Does it connect your children to your chosen curriculum?

We often wonder how —how can we motivate our children to learn? And behind this question (which we face daily) is our underlying hope for the long-term: after the last homeschooling day is completed, will our children want to pursue learning and virtue — personal sanctity — themselves, because they have come to love what (and Who) they should?

Hi, I’m Mary Carmichael, and I help moms connect their children’s temperaments to curricula via the design of the homeschooling environment. I help parents identify their children’s temperaments and then design environments that draw even the most reluctant children into the learning journey.

That’s why I am so pleased to invite you to subscribe to my homeschool blog on homeschool interior design, and when you do you will receive a 20% coupon for one personal discovery call with me.

Let’s talk about how to optimize your homeschool environment so that it aligns with your children’s temperaments while supporting your homeschool goals!